

Wimi v5 Oxygen is here!

Wimi v5 Oxygen is here!

équipe heureuse
Posted by Wimi Staff, on Tuesday 5 May 2015, updated on Sunday 16 May 2021

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Wimi v5 : Oxygen


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We see managers and employees work on increasingly numerous and rich projects.With Oxygen we bring them fresh air to ease and energize daily work. 

Oxygen is our greatest realease so far. Wimi is faster and more visual than it has ever been. Oxygen offers a freshly renewed task management module and introduces amazing communication tools directly integrated to your Wimi.

With Wimi Oxygen, reinvent your teamwork.


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Rediscover task management


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Wimi’s task management has been totally revamped thanks to our customers’ feedback. We are proud to introduce our new module with new outstanding features:


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You can now enrich your tasks: add documents, sub-tasks, several owners, and much more

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Thanks to the Kan-Ban view, your tasks can be organized and prioritized with a simple drag-and-drop

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Tags will make it easy for you to categorize the work your team has to perform

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Create task lists to better fit the stages of your project: organize your tasks according to your own processes

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Videocalls with AirTime


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With Oxygen, Wimi is the first actor to integrate in the same application project management tool the possibility to initiateaudio and video calls and screen sharing.

Using the advanced technology of WebRTC, Wimi AirTime is available to all Wimi users in beta.

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Enjoy Wimi on a larger scale


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Wimi v5 realeses new attractive offers so that you can enjoy Oxygen on a larger scale. Don’t limit your teamwork to your only organization and bring in your clients and external partners. With our‘guests’ offer, invite occasional contributors to your Wimi at a third of the cost.

To learn more avout this offer, contact our sales team:

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Don’t own a Wimi yet?


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Enjoy the power of working with Wimi right now. Your very own Wimi is a just a few clicks away


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14-day trial period


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