

4 team management styles for successful projects

4 team management styles for successful projects

team management styles successful projects
Posted by Wimi Staff, on Wednesday 17 July 2019, updated on Sunday 16 May 2021

According to a study by Seton and OnePoll in March 2018, one in four French people have quit a job because of their manager. Lack of confidence, lack of motivation, infantilization, inefficiency, lack of creativity, the list goes on. Poor management can have disastrous effects on a team and the quality of their work.

On the other hand, good management will have positive effects. As we all know, nothing can be accomplished without motivated (and competent) human resources. Because of this, the manager’s role is essential; he is the conductor who manages the team and their work to ensure the planning and budgeting of the project progress smoothly. The manager is also responsible for a motivating their team members and creating a good working atmosphere in the office.

This is why prioritizing a management style that encourages creativity, fosters the productivity of the team and establishes a friendly environment in the workplace is so important. It’s the magic formula for guaranteeing the success of your projects.

Here are 4 recommended team management styles and 5 qualities a manager should possess to keep their team motivated.

Situational management styles

  • Directive management
  • Persuasive management
  • Participative management
  • Delegative management

According to Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard, American authors specializing in the field of management and situational leadership, no management style is good or bad, just situational. In other words, you have to adapt your style to each team or company’s situation.

A new start-up won’t require the same style of management as an already fast-growing business. Flexible and adaptable, the project-manager needs to be capable of switching from one style to another, depending on the situation and the circumstances.

  1.  Directive management

In this management style, the project manager gives orders and says which direction to go in, but without explanation. Results are prioritised at the cost of relationships with employees, who remain distant. To achieve fixed objectives, the manager gives clear and precise instructions, they control the work being carried out and keep track of progress, they communicate in a short manner and choose to go with their own solutions. Initiative is non-existent. They favor the “organizational” over the “relational”.

This authoritarian managerial style should be used in a temporary way and chosen in emergency situations to quickly and efficiently resolve problems encountered or when a new colleague arrives.

If it is used for too long, directive management can create tension between the project manager and their team.

  1. Persuasive management

At the other end of the spectrum, persuasive management is based more on relationships.  The project manager sets objectives and makes decisions, but this time, they explain the reasons behind these decisions to their team and defend their ideas. They trust their team more, guide them and mobilizes them into achieving their goals.

Here, the organisational aspect is just as important as the relational aspect, and the relationships are built on a hierarchy. Persuasive management requires strong involvement from the manager. The manager’s ability to unite the team is essential.

  1. Participative management

With this management style, hierarchical barriers are lifted. A participative manager puts themselves on an equal footing with their team. They take on the role of the advisor rather than that of the director. They listen, talk with their team and involve them in decision making.

This managerial style focuses on relationships rather than results. Collaboration, communication and dialogue between team members, project-manager included, are essential.

Today, participatory management is increasingly appreciated because it encourages creativity and initiative. It encourages dialogue and allows everyone to express their ideas. It strengthens the commitment of employees and ensures their development.

  1. Delegative management

Here is an example of a management style that lets the manager involve their team by giving them responsibilities. As more of an observer than a participant, a delegative project manager has complete confidence in his team members, those they think are most capable of making decisions. A delegative manager will encourage their team members to be independent and take initiative. The manager might be called upon, but they will only intervene only in case of emergency

Delegative management is most common between top-management and middle-management.

The style of management is based first and foremost on the manager’s personality and the identity of the company. The effectiveness of a manager is often based on their ability to blend different management styles to maximize the success of their employees.

The qualities of a good manager

  • Positivity
  • Knowing how to delegate and trust others
  • Good listener
  • Good communication
  • Appreciation

Whatever the management style, there are 5 essential qualities that every manager should have to keep their team motivated and committed throughout the duration of the project.

  1. Positivity

If you want a motivated and optimistic team, then you have to set a good example. Be positive no matter what obstacles come your way, know how to bounce back from failure and look at it as an opportunity to learn and for personal growth.

  1. Knowing how to delegate and trust others

This is an essential quality. The members of your team all have skills, know-how, experience and talent, which is why you have chosen them. So, trust them, delegate and give them autonomy.

  1. Listening

Be available and encourage open dialogue. Your employees should feel free to come to you if they have ideas, solutions or problems to solve.

  1. Communication

Good communication is essential to the effective operation of a team and the success of a project. Setting goals, defining each person’s responsibilities, justifying decisions, relieving tensions etc., the team manager has to keep all the necessary people informed in order to ensure the success of the project. Every instruction needs to be announced clearly and precisely to avoid any confusion, and therefore any potential errors.

  1. Appreciation

So, you want to motivate your team? Then show them that you’re aware of the work they’re doing on a daily basis. Remember to congratulate the people involved in each victory, no matter how small. It’s a great way of boosting your team’s confidence and creating a good working atmosphere.

Now you know 4 management styles you can use depending on the situation and 5 qualities every manager should have. Be it persuasive, participative, directive or delegative, choose a style or mix them to create your own!

To guarantee the efficiency of your team and the success of your projects, we recommend you consider implementing a collaborative project management software into your work. Whatever the management style, it’s always a good idea for an organization to have the right management tools to successfully develop and carry out their projects.

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