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Communities: 4 project ideas to launch on your collaborative work tool

Communities: 4 project ideas to launch on your collaborative work tool

Posted by Wimi Staff, on Monday 28 March 2022

To meet the challenge of digital transformation, it is essential that local authorities adopt new tools which enable them to simplify the running and management of their projects, manage their budgets, monitor the performances of their teams and improve communication and collaboration between the various municipal services.

Thanks to project management softwares, you can manage all of your projects in a simple and collaborative way, whatever they are: modernization of all services, land use planning, improvement of the quality of life and service to citizens, etc.

Here is a small reminder of the benefits of these project management software solutions for local authorities.

The advantages of using collaborative project management software

Still wondering why you should choose project management software in your community? The advantage of this type of tool is simply to make your life easier, facilitate the tasks at hand, improve productivity and better meet the needs of users.

Several communities have understood this well and have already equipped themselves with project management softwares or collaborative platforms such as Wimi.

There are many advantages to using project management software:

  • Each team follows the progress of its projects and won’t miss any deadlines.
  • Employees save time by centralising information in a single space and managing versions.
  • Your data is perfectly secured and kept in France.
  • Officials organise their work efficiently and improve their productivity.
  • Project managers plan their projects more easily, meet deadlines and better distribute resources.
  • Collaboration and communication within teams and between departments is facilitated, mainly thanks to collaborative messaging services and calendars.
  • Officials can quickly and effectively manage their priorities.
  • You can synchronize this type of software with your smartphone and/or you tablet as well as with the tools you already use such as Outlook.

Here are 4 types of projects that you can manage using your project management software or collaborative platform.

4 ideas of projects for communities

1. Sharing, storage and centralization of documents

Tired of wasting time looking for your work documents and wondering if you’re working on the latest version of a file? It’s time that you make your life easier by taking on a collaborative work tool.

One of the main uses of a collaborative platform is the exchange, storage and centralization of data. Effectively, the secret to being efficient and productive at work is knowing straight-away where the documents you need are stored, without having to search for too long or bother one of your colleagues.

With one click, you find all the documents you need and thanks to version management, you know that you’re working on the right document. This is a real time-saver and efficiency in your daily tasks.

This type of tool also facilitates the exchange and sharing of documents not only between members of the same team, but also with users, partners as well as officials or geographically distant entities.

Moreover, a software solution such as Wimi meets the regulatory obligations that local authorities are facing, in particular the processing and storage of data on French territory. Indeed, Wimi guarantees you that your data is stored in France.

2. The management of the merger of several services or IT management systems.

Take for example the Territorial Collectivity of Corsica which was to merge its three entities (the Upper-Corsican department, the Southern Corsican department and itself) in order to form only one entity: the Collectivity of Corsica.

This important change involved the work of nearly 300 executives scattered across the island and organised in different working groups (culture, environment, social, land use planning, human resources, information systems, legal, finances, etc.).

The use of a collaborative platform was necessary to facilitate, better structure and centralise exchanges between the different teams. Thanks to this tool, the teams are managed in full transparency. Everyone knows who does what. The transparency in the process allows for better time management and human resources. Exchanges are simplified, and unnecessary travel and email exchanges are drastically reduced, greatly improving agent productivity.

3. The construction of a tramway or bus with a high level of service.

The implementation of public transport with a high level of service is a considerable project which concerns both the community of municipalities, the agglomeration as well as the mayors of the towns concerned at the same time. A project of this magnitude involves a large number of departments, functions, and officials who work within several entities. It is thus necessary to use a collaborative work tool in order to simplify the exchanges, facilitate documents sharing and planning of different events (site meetings, weekly meetings, work meetings, etc.).

4. The facilitation and modernisation of local democracy

Another interesting example is that of the town hall of Villeurbanne which has chosen to opt for a collaborative tool to facilitate communication and collaborative work between the residents of the town and its internal services within the framework of local democracy.

Thus, the residents, grouped together in neighbourhood councils, have a common workspace within the town hall where they find the documents they need. Information is easily accessible and everyone (the residents as well as the municipal services) can modify or improve a document. The people concerned then receive a notification. This modernisation of local democracy appeals as much to the officials as it does to the residents.

To summarise

Environmental change, regional planning, innovative administration, environmentally friendly urbanism, improvement of the quality of life, digital revolution, etc. Town halls, urban communities, and local public bodies have to face a wide variety of challenges and have to manage different sized projects. Collaborative work tools make it possible to manage all types of management projects online by making the lives of public service officials easier.

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