

The Key to a Successful Digital Transformation ? An efficient Team.

The Key to a Successful Digital Transformation ? An efficient Team.

key successful digital transformation efficient team
Posted by Wimi Staff, on Wednesday 30 May 2018, updated on Tuesday 29 November 2022


Digital transformation is much more than just a technical transformation – it requires the complete involvement of all your team.

Over the last 15 years, marketing professional Bryson Duncan has observed the digital changes within organisations. He discovered that technology did not to cater for current teamwork and organisation issues, and failed to improve companies’ productivity and management.

“Traditional challenges of productivity, resource management, manual data analysis, motivation and collaboration still exist, but they’ve ironically been multiplied by the very thing we’ve implemented to help us: technology,” Duncan said. “While the new digital workflow has had markedly positive impacts on cost savings and created a more mobile and agile workforce, the implementation of various digital technologies in the workplace has wreaked havoc on the overall productivity and integration of workers.”

Therefore, focus should instead be placed on what he calls “the digital nature of work between people”. In fact, most executives believe that the lack of communication and collaboration is a huge obstacle to the ultimate goal of digital transformation. Employees need to be educated to digital transformation.


Digital transformation is most successful when managers are involved in driving initiative and educating their team


Digital transformation will only improve your employees’ productivity if your senior managers clearly understand how the organisation can benefit from digital transformation.

Senior managers have to identify how and where new technologies will be implemented within the organisation to make them an asset for the organisation’s management.

For 65% of organisations, these senior managers are C-level managers, such as CEOs and CIOs. These people are the executives responsible for strategic internal or external changes and are best positioned to ensure that proposed changes are in fact acted on.



Successful digital transformation projects need a well-established line-of-business in order to involve the whole team


Digital transformation transforms the whole company. Without the involvement and engagement of LOB heads, it is very difficult for companies to undergo a proper and effetive change within the organisation.

A survey was undertaken detailing those figures that are most influential in implementing work style changes. It found that only 11% saw LOB leaders as the most influential.

This is surprising considering the organisation’s employees are most directly impacted by workstyle changes and therefore should be leading the way in the transition to the digital workspace.

So, it is essential that not only LOB leaders, but also the entire team are involved in driving new workplace strategy. This lack of LOB engagement at the beginning may be one important reason that only 39% of companies have a comprehensive digital workplace strategy in place now.



Wimi is an innovative solution that empowers teamwork


Wimi, created in 2010 by Lionel Roux and Antoine Duboscq, is a digital solution which accompanies teams in their digital transformation. It allows for better communication and collaboration, but also manages team activities, file and folder sharing, tasks management and project calendars.

In a nutshell, it is a great tool to empower teams and accustomise them to digital changes.

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Sources: CMS Wire, Bryson Duncan: Successful Digital Transformation Initiatives Put People at the Center

Data Dimension, The Digital Workplace: Transforming Your Business


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