

8 tips to improve customer satisfaction

8 tips to improve customer satisfaction

Posted by Wimi Staff, on Monday 7 March 2022, updated on Tuesday 29 November 2022

Did you know that dissatisfied customers make more of a fuss than satisfied customers? According to a study carried out by American Express, 60% of dissatisfied French customers share their experience with about 15 people, while only 39% of satisfied customers share their opinion with 8 people.

In 2017, 44% of dissatisfied customers went to the competition, which represented a loss of 102 billion euros, according to a study by Accenture Strategy.

Customer satisfaction is every company’s ambition, regardless of its field of activity or size. Indeed, a customer who is satisfied by your products and/or services is more likely to come back and buy from you. Even better, they won’t hesitate to praise your services and recommend you to their family and friends. Conversely, an unhappy customer can damage your image and significantly lower your sales.

As a creative agency, your reputation is just as important as the quality of your work. Many customers will come knocking on your door because they have heard positive comments about you. It is thus essential to do everything possible to satisfy your customers because they are your best ambassadors.

Advice to satisfy your agency’s customers

  • Listen to your customers
  • Be transparent
  • Offer personalised support
  • Work and communicate regularly with the client
  • Offer flawless customer service
  • Treat every customer fairly
  • Reward loyal customers
  • Ask your customers for their opinion

What is customer satisfaction?

Considered the basis of loyalty, customer satisfaction depends on several aspects:

  • The cognitive dimension describes the quality and usefulness of a product or a service for the customer.
  • The emotional dimension describes the emotions felt during the purchase of a product and/or of a service.
  • The affective or behavioural dimension describes the customer’s attitude following their purchase.

According to Audirep, satisfaction is first and foremost a feeling, an emotion experienced by an individual. The client is pleased, happy to have got what they wanted.

Client satisfaction is therefore:

  • subjective because it is based on the customer’s perception;
  • relative because each customer has their own expectations. If one is satisfied by a product, another may be dissatisfied with the same product;
  • scalable because the expectations and/or perception of clients may vary over time. (Source : Smart Tribune)

Here are 8 tips to keep your communication agency’s customers happy.

1. Listen to your customers

Do you want to know the wants and needs of your customers? You just need to listen carefully to what your customers have to say to you. This is how you will get to know them to better understand them.

Today, customers no longer hesitate to express their wishes. To do this, they have many means at their disposal: physical point of sale, social media, websites, customer services, email, phone. You just have to listen.

2. Be transparent

Do you want your customers to be satisfied? Don’t promise them a website delivery in a week, if you can really only do it in a month. As well as being disappointed, they won’t hesitate to leave a negative opinion on the dedicated sites and discuss their bad experience with their family and friends.

Avoid these disappointments by being transparent, by giving them clear and precise information about your products and/or services and by giving them a commercial offer adapted to their needs. Give yourself leeway in the event of the unexpected and create a surprise by delivering the project in advance. Doing the opposite risks deteriorating your customer relations.

3. Offer personalised support

Every customer is unique and appreciates being treated as such. Personalising your offer to each customer is therefore essential. Offer your customers tailor-made support adapted to their needs. Personalise your offers and advice to meet the expectations of each of your customers.

4. Work and communicate regularly with the client

As a creative agency, you are specialists in communication, and that must apply with your clients. You have to collaborate effectively with your customers in order to precisely to their wants and needs. This involves communicating with them regularly and informing them in real time about the progress of a project and the results obtained for the current campaigns.

For this, our collaborative platform allows you to create personalized workspaces in which you can easily share with them the documents you want.

5. Offer flawless customer service

Be responsive to customer complaints and deal with them carefully and as quickly as possible. Avoid burying your head in the sand and waiting for the storm to pass. Take full responsibility for your mistakes and never blame the customer. Apologise and take action when necessary. Remain available to the customer in case of need. Finally, always be polite and respectful.

6. Treat every customer fairly

No matter how much money they spent, the size of the order, or what your customer’s outfit is, you should treat everyone equally. Preferential treatment or discrimination will always be shown, and it risks damaging your band’s image.

A customer who spends 1 euro must count as much as a customer who spends 1000 euros.

7. Reward loyal customers

Did you know that it costs 5 times more to win over new customers than it does to retain your existing customers? It is therefore essential to pamper and reward your loyal customers by offering them small advantages such as an exclusive promotion, a present, an invitation to an event, etc.

These small, thoughtful gestures will help reinforce the good image they have of you and improve their confidence in you.

8. Ask your customers for their opinion

It is important to measure the satisfaction of your customers. To do this, don’t hesitate to ask their opinions about the quality of your services, for example via a satisfaction survey. Are they satisfied with your work? With your services? The delivery times? The suggested price? Have they been welcomed and advised?

The goal is to improve customer experience, correct what can be corrected, properly meet their expectations and retain them. Satisfied clients are the key to the success of your creative agency.

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