

4 tools to make your digital workplace (really) efficient

4 tools to make your digital workplace (really) efficient

tools digital workplace efficient
Posted by Wimi Staff, on Wednesday 30 May 2018, updated on Tuesday 7 May 2024


A recent consortium called “Humanizing the Digital Workplace” has found that “organizations continue to spend millions of dollars on productivity solutions and enterprise apps to support their workers, but ironically, those solutions are contributing to hurt productivity”.

In fact, just because a particular type of technology solution is adapted to suit a company, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is effective. Being able to quickly and easily start web and video conferences, for example, is a clear pain point, particularly in traditional conference room settings. Wimi is a tool that has been developed to meet all of your company’s productivity and data protection needs.

Here are few tips that are essential in making a digital workplace really productive for your employees, and how Wimi can help to facilitate this process.


1.Digital workplaces should work on a well-architected network


Only 9% of organizations consider a proper network access as the most important factor of their digital workplace strategies, and only 27% place it in their top three. This is a surprisingly small number, considering the importance of internet and digital communication in company strategy. Emails, social networks, document sharing, video conferences and meetings encompass all the tools that embrace everyday business life are based on a network that Wimi can provide for your organization.



wimi netword digit workspace workplace digital transformation

Source : Data Dimension – The Digital Workplace: Transforming Your Business


2. Companies should begin a transition to cloud


60% of companies say their corporate solutions are internally managed, while 49% say office productivity software is operating in a similar manner. But this is actually changing. Organizations are turning more and more to trusted partners to manage systems and software on their behalf. Nearly half of all business applications and collaboration tools are in fact managed by third parties, therefore more and more workplace technologies are considered as cloud-based services. The main reasons why organizations are migrating workplace applications to the cloud are: 1. A better cost model 2. Reduction of capital investments made in IT systems, and 3. Centralization of software in data centers. Wimi is a digital solution that manage data in a specific cloud and therefore enable companies to make their transition to cloud effective.



wimi digital workplace digital transformation cloud solution technology

Source : Data Dimension – The Digital Workplace: Transforming Your Business



3. Employees should benefit from the flexibility the digital workplace offer to be more mobile


wimi teamwork digital transformation technology cloud solution flexibility mobility

Source : Data Dimension – The Digital Workplace: Transforming Your Business


Flexible working enables a mobile workforce. What are the benefits of such a mobility ? Employees can respond faster, be more productive, and it encourages to collaborate with colleagues more efficiently. It leads employees and managers to develop new applications, new tools to be more and more connected and to work better together. Adopting a new collaborative plateform such as Wimi can enable your employees to take profit from their mobility and at the same time to stay productive and focused.



4. Data should be protected


As the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) has to be applied, companies are responsible for their employees personal data and should also protect their corporate data. Therefore having a protected digital workplace has become a necessity.


wimi armoured digital transformation


Wimi Armoured is an efficient digital solution : it is a collaborative tool which combines unified workspaces and which centralizes all your data and team activities. It manages files and folders, tasks management, team collaboration and reporting. On top of that, Wimi Armoured ensure data to be crypted, and therefore ensure whole working spaces and team works to be protected. Wimi accompanies today more than 30 000 companies in their digital transformation and the establishment of their digital workspace. This tool has increased by 28% their productivity.






Source: Data Dimension, The Digital Workplace: Transforming Your Business


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